Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who Not to Hang Around With if YOU Want to Succeed

Have you ever known that success depends not only on what you do but also on who you do it with? If you hang out with people who drink beer all the day and night, chances are that you'll drink beer all the day and night, too. If you hang out with people who drink water and jog every morning, chances are that you'll drink water and jog, too. So the big question is, who are you hanging around with that might be holding you back?

Please take a few seconds to sit back in your chair, breathe deeply, and think about anyone who you get advice from. If their advice fall in any of these categories, run away from them! They might be people who mean a lot to us - including families and friends, but unless they are experts or rich themselves, never listen to any advice they give you. They might be the reason why you are still struggling to save! Lets look at the first category.

The "I Mean Well" Group. These people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Unfortunately, most of the people get some, if not all, of their wealth advice from the "I mean well" group. These are the people who, because they've never done anything worthwhile themselves, they keep on discouraging you from starting anything that can make you rich. Would you take your child to get an eye operation from a dentist? Why then do you trust that someone who has never done anything to become rich can advice you on how to be wealthy? Next, second category.

The "Tried It and Failed" Group. Do you have this unhappy bunch of folks who have tried to become rich and failed around you? This is where most people get their next big chunk of wealth advice from. This crowd often contain people who made bad decisions on a good course and thus, crashed! Now they feel qualified to give you advise about investments. The moment you confide your wealth dreams to such people, they jump in and proceed to tell you their personal horror stories. Never listen to such people, they'll kill and bury all your beautiful dreams, forever. Category number three.... next

The "Comfort Zone" Group. This group is made up of buddies you hang out with because you feel comfortable in their company. Together you go to ball games, drink beer and work beside. They live in the same kind of house, shop in the same malls, eat the same restaurants, go to the same movies, and make about the same money as you make. Why are they not the right people for you? Because they influence the level of wealth you attain. Change the people in your circle and you'll change your wealth profile. Next, fourth category.

The Dream Stealer Group. As you begin your journey to riches, be careful to protect yourself from Dream Stealers -the negative people in your life. I have discovered them among my friends and family. You probably have such people in your life right now too. The moment you try to do something different, what do they say? Nothing positive, certainly. When I joined collage, some family members were against it, they argued it was an expensive affair with no guaranteed returns. What I came to learn later is that these Dream Stealers were really talking about themselvess. Be watchful always.

The "Ouch, Isn't Me" Group. Funny enough, this group contains one member, you! You really need to watch out for this person. This person who believes that by reporting to someones office every morning will make you successful one day. This one being who thinks that working hard and staying broke is normal. When you stand on front of that mirror every morning, who do you see? A failure or a cheerful leader. Work on this person.

Any remnants so far? These are the people that you need to succeed! Now build a focused wealth-building team from these left overs. Also get yourself a mentor. I have never known anyone who ever became successful without one. Robert Shemin is ready to become your mentor, he can reduce your risk of failure and increase your chances of success.

1 comment:

  1. How to live at peace with God and your soul in this world
