Haven't you heard, "Give and it shall be given unto you?" In order for you to be rich and successful, you've got to give! But, many are times when we make this funny excuse, "I am broke. I've got nothing to give." Wrong. You've got a lot to give. Shall I mention but a few;
Give a Smile - Mmmh. Who doesn't have one to give. It works wonders for both the giver and the receiver, its a spirit lifter. Next time you think you've got nothing to give, just give a smile. Try it even now. Stop reading this article and smile to that person next to you. You see!
Give Thanks. Look around and within, anything to be grateful about? I know you've answered a million things. Gratitude and giving thanks are very powerful in attracting wealth. Say thanks to the teacher who taught you how to read and write, to the employer who gave you a job, to the waiter who served you tea, to the nurse who gave you a prescription and even to the sweeper who cleaned the street. Write a thank-you note to everyone who has helped you. The results will be amazing.
Give a hand. Look around, is there someone who needs your help? A neighbor whose car is stuck in the mud, your child struggling with homework, your spouse preparing dinner or an old mum carrying a bag of groceries. I bet there are dozens of such people right now waiting for your hand.
Give a hug. You've just met an old friend in a shopping mall, you've given a smile and a handshake, why not top it up with a big hug? Do it everyday to your spouse, your kid, your mom, even to a stranger!
Give time. How much do you make in a hour? What if you gave it for a noble cause? Donating it to a children home, hospital visits, the elderly. Robert Shemin
has taught me not only the proper way to give but, also how giving brings prosperity.
Next time when you think of giving, don't limit it to only money and assets, there is more to give. By giving these little things consistently, you'll receive abundantly
. Never give nothing, never give an excuse!
Give a Smile - Mmmh. Who doesn't have one to give. It works wonders for both the giver and the receiver, its a spirit lifter. Next time you think you've got nothing to give, just give a smile. Try it even now. Stop reading this article and smile to that person next to you. You see!
Give Thanks. Look around and within, anything to be grateful about? I know you've answered a million things. Gratitude and giving thanks are very powerful in attracting wealth. Say thanks to the teacher who taught you how to read and write, to the employer who gave you a job, to the waiter who served you tea, to the nurse who gave you a prescription and even to the sweeper who cleaned the street. Write a thank-you note to everyone who has helped you. The results will be amazing.
Give a hand. Look around, is there someone who needs your help? A neighbor whose car is stuck in the mud, your child struggling with homework, your spouse preparing dinner or an old mum carrying a bag of groceries. I bet there are dozens of such people right now waiting for your hand.
Give a hug. You've just met an old friend in a shopping mall, you've given a smile and a handshake, why not top it up with a big hug? Do it everyday to your spouse, your kid, your mom, even to a stranger!
Give time. How much do you make in a hour? What if you gave it for a noble cause? Donating it to a children home, hospital visits, the elderly. Robert Shemin
Next time when you think of giving, don't limit it to only money and assets, there is more to give. By giving these little things consistently, you'll receive abundantly
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