Monday, August 16, 2010

Mind Your Own Business

Some people would want to be rich and successful but, the question  they don't like asking themselves is, "Whose business am I in?" You'll find that most people work for everyone else but themselves. They work first for the owners of the company, then for the government through taxes, and finally for the bank that owns their loans, if they have one! The reason for financial struggle that most people go through is often directly the result of people working all their life for someone else. As a result, many people will have nothing at the end of their working days.

Our current educational system focuses on preparing today's youth to become good employees by developing their scholastic skills. Their lives revolve around their wages and salaries. If you ask them this question,"What is your business?" They will say, "Oh I'm a banker." Then if you ask them if they own the bank, they usually respond.  "No, I work there." In that instance, they have confused their profession with their business. Their profession may be a banker, but they still need their own business.

Mind Your Own Business: The Best Businesses You Can Start Today for Under $500After realizing that they are not making enough money, they go on to higher levels of schooling to enhance their professional abilities. They study to become engineers, scientists, cooks, police officers, artists, writers and so on. These professional skills only allow them to work for money. The truth is, there is a big difference between your profession and your business. Professionally, you could be a banker or a salesman, but What is your business?

The problem with school is that you often become what you study.  So if you study, say, cooking, you become a chef.  If you study the law, you become a lawyer, and a study of mechanics makes you a mechanic. The mistake in becoming what you study is that too many people forget to mind their own business. They spend their lives minding someone else's business and making that person rich.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who Not to Hang Around With if YOU Want to Succeed

Have you ever known that success depends not only on what you do but also on who you do it with? If you hang out with people who drink beer all the day and night, chances are that you'll drink beer all the day and night, too. If you hang out with people who drink water and jog every morning, chances are that you'll drink water and jog, too. So the big question is, who are you hanging around with that might be holding you back?

Please take a few seconds to sit back in your chair, breathe deeply, and think about anyone who you get advice from. If their advice fall in any of these categories, run away from them! They might be people who mean a lot to us - including families and friends, but unless they are experts or rich themselves, never listen to any advice they give you. They might be the reason why you are still struggling to save! Lets look at the first category.

The "I Mean Well" Group. These people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Unfortunately, most of the people get some, if not all, of their wealth advice from the "I mean well" group. These are the people who, because they've never done anything worthwhile themselves, they keep on discouraging you from starting anything that can make you rich. Would you take your child to get an eye operation from a dentist? Why then do you trust that someone who has never done anything to become rich can advice you on how to be wealthy? Next, second category.

The "Tried It and Failed" Group. Do you have this unhappy bunch of folks who have tried to become rich and failed around you? This is where most people get their next big chunk of wealth advice from. This crowd often contain people who made bad decisions on a good course and thus, crashed! Now they feel qualified to give you advise about investments. The moment you confide your wealth dreams to such people, they jump in and proceed to tell you their personal horror stories. Never listen to such people, they'll kill and bury all your beautiful dreams, forever. Category number three.... next

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You Need A Wealth Chart

Do you really want to get rich? Then, become very comfortable with looking, feeling and acting like a rich person. This requires starting to attract all the wonderful pleasures of wealth and a dream chart (also wealth chart) is the best tool.

A dream chart is a collection of pictures and words that you take from photographs, pictures in magazines, brochures or off the internet, of  everything you would have and do if you had unlimited wealth and were living a perfect life right now. You then cut out and pasted them onto a large picture frame or a notice board which can be placed somewhere you'll be seeing it often, at least twice a day. I expect you to include pictures of dream homes, luxury cars, holiday vacations, designer cloths, jewelry and lots of money. That's not all, also cut out the yacht, that private jet, and those mansions.

What other dreams really stir you soul? Add them! Images of the life you want for your family. Pictures of how you'd all spend precious moments together.Find depictions of good work. Add scholarships you could sponsor. Single parents you could help. Villages you could feed. Schools you could build. Stretch your wealth as much as you would want to be rich.

It has been confirmed that this wealth loaded chart is one of the most powerful tools of wealth. Any time you see it reminds you why you need to continue doing what you do and motivates you to carry on. It will lead you to achievements beyond your wildest dreams. Do you now see why you may not have been progressing? Start building one now!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Art of Giving

Haven't you heard, "Give and it shall be given unto you?" In order for you to be rich and successful, you've got to give! But, many are times when we make this funny excuse, "I am broke. I've got nothing to give." Wrong. You've got a lot to give. Shall I mention but a few;

Give a Smile - Mmmh. Who doesn't have one to give. It works wonders for both the giver and the receiver, its a spirit lifter. Next time you think you've got nothing to give, just give a smile. Try it even now. Stop reading this article and smile to that person next to you. You see!

Give Thanks. Look around and within, anything to be grateful about? I know you've answered a million things. Gratitude and giving thanks are very powerful in attracting wealth. Say thanks to the teacher who taught you how to read and write, to the employer who gave you a job, to the waiter who served you tea, to the nurse who gave you a prescription and even to the sweeper who cleaned the street. Write a thank-you note to everyone who has helped you. The results will be amazing.

Give a hand. Look around, is there someone who needs your help? A neighbor whose car is stuck in the mud, your child struggling with homework, your spouse preparing dinner or an old mum carrying a bag of groceries. I bet there are dozens of such people right now waiting for your hand.

Give a hug. You've just met an old friend in a shopping mall, you've given a smile and a handshake, why not top it up with a big hug? Do it everyday to your spouse, your kid, your mom, even to a stranger!

Give time. How much do you make in a hour? What if you gave it for a noble cause? Donating it to a children home, hospital visits, the elderly. Robert Shemin has taught me not only the proper way to give but, also how giving brings prosperity.

Next time when you think of giving, don't limit  it to only money and assets, there is more to give. By giving these little things consistently, you'll receive abundantly. Never give nothing, never give an excuse!